🥺Did your baby arrive prematurely? 😳 Did the doctors say that your baby may have difficulties because of their prematurity 🤔Wondering what can you do to help your baby achieve their best potential?

1 in 10 babies in Australia are born premature (before 37 weeks gestation) and approximately 15% of all babies require some form of extra care at birth. Premature babies, also known as preemies, often face various challenges due to their underdeveloped organs and systems.

Common problems associated with prematurity include:
👶🏻Respiratory issues as premature babies may have underdeveloped lungs,
👶🏻Feeding difficulties as premature babies may have lower muscle tone making it difficult for them to coordinating sucking, swallowing, and breathing during feeding,
👶🏻Increased risk of infections due to their underdeveloped immune systems, premature babies may be more susceptible to respiratory infections, bloodstream infections, and other types of infections,
👶🏻Increased risk of neurological complications such as developmental delays or learning disabilities or cerebral palsy, which affects muscle control and movement.

As such, it is important that premature babies after discharge from Neonatal Intensive Care Units are regularly reviewed by Premmie Follow Up Developmental Clinics to assess their development over time. Attending these Developmental Clinics allows for early detection of any issues and referral to Early Intervention Therapy to help premature babies achieve their best potential.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓provide Early Intervention Physiotherapy for premature babies. So if you are concerned about your premature baby, ring My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today. Let us help your premature baby achieve their best potential today! 💪

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