😬Did your little one fall over onto their head causing a lump to immediately arise with bruising? 🤞Did you ice your child’s head for the day and then left it, assuming that the lump would eventually resolve?

Falling over is a common occurrence as babies learn to walk, and a frequent occurrence in children with decreased balance and coordination. Unfortunately, sometimes children fall head down onto the corner of furnitures or onto the hard ground resulting in an immediate lump and bruising forming on their head. According to statistics, head injury accounted for more than one-quarter (26.8%) of paediatric injury-related Emergency Department presentations. 🤕

Fortunately, many children with head injuries from falls suffer from a soft tissue lump on their head and bruising without more serious neurological brain injury. The medical advice for treatment of the soft tissue lump and bruising is often ice and monitor. However, a little known rare complication can happen in these soft tissue lumps with bruising, called calcification haematoma of the skull.😱 This is when the swelling and bruising does not resolve over time and instead the skull bone forms more bone at the site of the injury resulting in a hard lump protruding on the skull.

To prevent calcification haematoma on the skull bones, it is important to ensure healing and complete resolution of the soft tissue swelling and bruising. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓use Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound to help with soft tissue healing and reduce swelling around the site of injuries. This helps resolve the lump on a child’s head within weeks, preventing calcification from happening.

So if your child falls onto their head next time and end up with an egg sized lump and bruising on their head, instead of just waiting and hoping the swelling would resolve by itself, ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!

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