🥴Do you have a child with low muscle tone who struggles to sit by themselves😳Wondering if your child will ever be able to sit by themselves to play

Hypotonia, also known as floppy muscle tone or low muscle tone, is a medical condition characterized by decreased muscle tone or muscle stiffness. In children with hypotonia, their muscles feel unusually soft and lack the typical firmness or tension that is present in a person with normal muscle tone.
Hypotonia can affect various muscle groups in the body, including the trunk, limbs, and face. It can be either generalized, affecting the entire body, or localized, affecting specific muscle groups. Hypotonia can be present at birth or acquired later in life due to certain medical conditions, injuries, or nervous system disorders. The causes of hypotonia can vary widely. Congenital hypotonia may be the result of genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, or certain metabolic disorders. Acquired hypotonia can be caused by conditions like cerebral palsy, brain damage, spinal cord injury, or certain infections.

👶🏻Babies with hypotonia tend to be delayed in their gross motor skills of rolling, sitting, crawling, pulling to stand and walking. Regardless of the cause of hypotonia, the Early Intervention is the key to improving baby’s muscle strength and gross motor skills. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓see many babies with Hypotonia, and we are able to effectively help little ones increase their core muscle strength to sit independently by themselves so that they can participate in the daily experiences of play with their peers. To see a little one sit independently in a coin operated ride on at the local shopping centre or to sit independently in a shopping trolley while mum is grocery shopping sounds simple, and yet these are milestones that matters to families.😃

So if you are concerned about your little one with Hypotonia, Ring My Favourite Physio on📱 (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how we can help your little one achieve their best potential today!

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