Been told to do Tummy Time for your 👶🏻newborn baby but baby hates it?

Tummy time is important for babies because it helps promote their physical development and strengthens the muscles necessary for various milestones. 💪

Here are several reasons why tummy time is beneficial for babies:
👶🏻1. When babies spend time on their tummies, they engage their neck, back, and shoulder muscles. This helps strengthen these muscles and promotes overall motor development. Tummy time is particularly important for strengthening the muscles needed for head control and later crawling, sitting, and walking.
👶🏻2. Tummy time encourages babies to lift and turn their heads, which enhances their neck and upper body strength. This head control is crucial for reaching developmental milestones such as rolling over, sitting up, and eventually crawling.
👶🏻3. During tummy time, babies get an opportunity to explore their environment from a different perspective. They can visually explore their surroundings, interact with toys, and use their arms and hands to reach and grab objects. This sensory stimulation helps promote cognitive and sensory development.
👶🏻4. Spending excessive time lying on their backs can sometimes lead to flat spots on a baby’s head. Regular tummy time allows for pressure relief on the back of the head and helps prevent this condition.
👶🏻5. Tummy time gives babies a chance to focus on objects at different distances, strengthening their eye muscles and promoting visual development. It also helps with depth perception and hand-eye coordination.
👶🏻6. Tummy time can help alleviate gas and promote digestion in babies. The gentle pressure on the abdomen can aid in relieving discomfort and assist with bowel movements.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓help parents learn to make Tummy time fun for their babies. So if you have been trying so hard with Tummy time, yet your baby hates it, reach out to My Favourite Physio on📱 (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out how we can help your baby enjoy Tummy time today!

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