😬Does your child W-sit to play most of the time? 🥴Concerned about W-sitting because you have heard that it’s not good for your child?

W-sitting refers to a sitting position where a child sits on the floor with their knees bent and legs rotated out to the sides, forming a “W” shape with their lower body. W-sitting is a common sitting position among children, especially during early childhood. It is often a preferred position for its stability and comfort. Although it is common, W-sitting position is actually bad for children’s posture and overall development.

3 top reasons why W-sitting is bad for your child
🥴1. W-sitting position can contribute to the development of muscle imbalances, joint instability, and potential problems with alignment and range of motion. W-sitting places excessive stress on the hip joints, knees, and ankles, which often results in children developing a knock kneed posture with in turning feet. This in turns leads to poor walking and running patterns as well as increased trips and falls.

🥴2. Children who W-sit tend to have weaker core muscles which makes W-sitting a more comfortable posture for them. W-sitting limits the natural rotation and weight shifting that occur during other sitting positions, such as cross-legged or long-sitting. These movements are essential for developing core muscles and coordination. As a result, the more children W-sit, the weaker their core muscles, the poorer their coordination, the more they are delayed in their gross motor skills.

🥴3. W-sitting can cause the muscles on the inner thighs and hamstrings to become tight and shortened, while the muscles on the outer thighs become weak. This muscle imbalance can affect a child’s overall flexibility and impact their ability to perform activities that require a wide range of motion.

Over time, W-sitting results in shortened hamstrings, calf muscles and collapsed ankles and foot arches.

So if your child W-sits, discourage it immediately! If you would like help to correct your child’s W-sitting, ring My Favourite Physio on📱 (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio.

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