Wondering if your Headaches 🤕 could be coming from your neck?

Take our Headache 🤕 Symptom Quick Check to find out if your Headaches are coming from your neck!

✅ Does your headache alternate from one side to another?
✅ Does your headache start from one side of your head and slowly spreading to the other side of your head?
✅ Does neck massages relief your Headaches?

If you answered Yes ✅ to any of the questions above, then your Headaches 🤕are definitely coming from your neck!

The Great News is that Headaches 🤕occurring from the neck can be effectively treated through Physiotherapy using a special approach called Watson Headache Approach. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists are Watson Headache Approach trained to specifically treat the first 3 joints of the neck to help eliminate Headaches and Migraines!

So if you are experiencing alternating Headaches and Migraines and would love to be Headache Free 😊, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to book an appointment with one of our Expert Physiotherapists today!

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