😓Have you just had a baby and feeling at the ends of your wits with the new routines and added responsibilities? 🤱Being a new mum while still carrying all your other existing roles of wife, daughter, sister, student, business owner or employee can be over whelming at times..

When you are trying to juggle a newborn baby👶🏻 – feeding, dressing, settling, as well as cook, clean, wash and work part-time, know that what you are doing are the jobs of at least 3 people 👩‍🍳👩‍💻🤱each day! So it’s not possible to be able to do everything perfectly all the time.

When you are pushing yourself to get everything done for everyone else, because you think that you can’t “give up” and let everyone else down. Know that your body is not made of steel, that you are human and your body needs rest. That it’s ok to stop and rest 😴and ask for help, so that you can keep on doing what you need to each day for yourself and your baby.❤️

There are some things that you will need to ✋stop doing and allow others to do it for you, and there are some things that only you and you alone can do.🤔 Take a moment to review all the tasks and activities that you do each day, decide what tasks and activities you need to stop doing and start delegating to others, and what tasks and activities are your priorities to complete as well what activities you need to start doing to look after yourself.

Remember by looking after yourself, you will be able to look after those who depend on you😍

A word of encouragement from your friendly team at My Favourite Physio.🤓

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