😬Have you been told that your child has Severe Global Developmental Delay and they will probably never be able to talk or walk. 🥺Perhaps your child has had brain scans that indicate abnormalities in their brain structure and the doctors say it’s likely they will never be more than 10% of other typically developing children.

If you answered Yes to the above statements, you are not alone. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓often hear parents report that the doctors would have made these predications based on baby’s brain scans or the history of baby’s birth and developmental progress in the first 12 months of their life.

😀Fortunately, the brain is an extremely pliable structure that can change over time and learn new pathways which allows a child to improve their function with the right stimulation and Early Intervention Therapies. This was the case for Ms H at our clinic. Ms H came to us as a 14 month old baby who was extremely delayed in her gross motor skills, she was not rolling, not sitting, not crawling and not taking weight on her feet when supported in standing. She did not have any eye follow and she did not make any sounds. Her arms and legs were stiff and she was not able to turn her head from side to side. Ms H started Intensive Early Intervention Physiotherapy, where she had 4 times a week Paediatric Physiotherapy sessions. Our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists worked on building her core muscle strength, eye contact, vocalisation, gross motor skills, feeding skills. Fast forward, she is now 3 years old and able to walk on our harnessed treadmill and walk with her hands supported. 🥳 She is still severely delayed in her speech and language and is only able to say “Ma ma”.

When Ms H was reviewed by her Neurologist, he was impressed and surprised by her progress. 💪Ms H will still need ongoing Paediatric Physiotherapy to help her achieve her best potential.

So if you are concerned about your little one’s gross motor skill, reach out to My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or Dm us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!

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