😳 Is your child with special needs struggling with feeding due to their low muscle tone? 😬Been told that your little one is extremely underweight for their age and need a feeding tube to help with their nutrient?

A feeding tube refers to a gastrostomy tube or a nasogastric tube, that is used to provide nutrition and hydration to children who are unable to eat or drink enough by mouth. Feeding tubes are typically recommended for children who have difficulty swallowing, have a medical condition that prevents them from eating normally, or are unable to meet their nutritional needs orally due to injury or illness.

3 Benefits of having a feeding tube for children who are extremely low weight and not gaining over time:

💪1. Weight Gain and Growth
Feeding tubes allow a child to receive sufficient nutrition each day for them to gain weight. This weight gain means muscle growth so they have the strength to move better and brain growth so that they can learn new skills.

💪2. Energy to Exercise and Play
When your child has sufficient nutrition via a feeding tube, you will notice that they become more alert and aware rather than lethargic and sleepy all the time. Your child will have more energy to carry out their Physiotherapy exercises to be able to move better. They will be awake more during the day to play and interact with you.

💪3. Resilience to Illnesses
Another crucial benefit of having sufficient nutrition everyday is that your child will now be more resilient to illnesses as they have more energy reserves to fight infections. Also by having their nutrition through a feeding tube, they are less likely to aspirate on food and liquids fed through their mouths, which prevents aspiration pneumonia.

So if your child is not feeding well and gaining weight, a feeding tube might be what they need. 🤔
If you are concerned about your child’s development, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓! Let us help your child achieve their best potential today!

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