😬Are you finding Tummy Time Challenging because your baby cries whenever you place him on his tummy?

☝️The first rule of survival in life is to protect your head and not fall on your head. As such, Tummy Time is one of the most important things that babies should spend time doing, other than feeding and sleeping, because it helps babies learn to strengthen their neck muscles to hold their head upright. However, many parents 😭will complain that Tummy Time is the most challenging time of the day for them because baby will cry within 30 seconds of being on their time.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓recommend that babies doTummy Time for an hour twice a day. To help baby enjoy Tummy Time for an hour at a time, we teach our families the following 3 Tips to make Tummy Time fun:

👶🏻1. Elevate
Parents often place baby flat on their tummy on the floor and expect baby to be able to lift their head up to 90 degrees. Instead. place baby on a fat pillow or on your chest so that baby is lying with their head up at 45 degrees, making it easier for baby to lift their head up to 90 degrees.

👶🏻2. Support
Parents often place babies with their arms out by their side which makes it really hard for baby to lift their head when on their Tummy. As such, babies often cry after 30 seconds on their Tummy. Instead, support baby’s shoulders and place their elbows in line with their shoulder so that it is easier for baby to lift their head upright.

👶🏻3. Attract
Parents often place babies on their tummies without anyone or anything in front of baby to attract their attention. So within minutes baby becomes bored and tired of being on their tummy. Instead we encourage parents to be in front of a mirrors to play so that baby can see you and would be motivated to sty on their tummy for longer than a few seconds.

So if you’ve just had a newborn baby and you are struggling with Time Time, try out the above 3 Tips. And if you need more help, ring My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today.

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