11 Aug
Is your little one cruising along the furniture for the past 3-4 months and just not taking steps by themselves
Wondering if there is anything you can do to help your little one get stronger to take their first steps by themselves?
Walking is movement pattern that many of us take for granted because we tend to do it subconsciously. However, Walking is a complex motor skill that involves a coordinated effort of multiple body systems.
That’s why here at My Favourite Physio, when our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see little ones who are not yet walking, we first work on core strength in the tummy and back muscles, so that little learn balance and control of their upper body before having to learn to control their hips, knees, ankles and feet to start to take steps to walk.
3 Treatment Tools we use to help little ones learn to walk are:
1. Harnessed Treadmill System
By harnessing little ones to support their body weight over a treadmill, we are able to help little ones learn to balance their body, control their trunk upright while learning to coordinate the cyclic movement of taking steps forward as they maintain their balance.
2. Integrated Listening System
By using a Listening System, we are targeting the vestibular system which controls balance. The Listening System consists of classical music that is filtered to target specifically the area of the brain that controls balance, so that we can improve balance and coordination effectively as a child walks over ground or on the Harnessed Treadmill System.
3. Togrite Strapping With Customised Orthotics
By using external tension Togrite straps we are able to ensure that hips, knees and ankles are in correctly aligned so that little ones can walk with a more efficient walking pattern. Customised orthotics are also prescribed to correct in-toeing or collapsed midfoot arches.
So if your little one is not yet walking, reach out to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists at My Favourite Physio on
(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio. Find out how we can help your little one walk today!
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