😭Is your child with Special Needs throwing tantrums and refusing to participate at therapy? 🤔 Wondering what can you do to help your child settle and learn to participate at Therapy?

Learning new skills is often challenging for everyone, particularly if one is learning physical gross motor skills. So it’s understandable for a 🧒child with special needs to feel extremely challenged when routines are changed and they are expected to learn a new skill to move differently.

When a child with special needs is non verbal, it is even more challenging for them to understand why they need to change the way they move. For example, if a child has always been able to bottom shuffle across a room, suddenly being in Early Intervention Physiotherapy and expected to learn to crawl on their hands and knees will feel very frustrating and challenging. The child does not understand the need to change and learn new skills, so she will throw tantrums and 😭cry protesting to their parents, expecting to be “rescued”.

When a child starts a to throw behavioural tantrums it can be stressful for both their parents and them. This becomes a counter productive situation.

That’s why here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists recommend that parents “kiss and drop” 😘their little ones at our clinic much like dropping their little ones at childcare. That way, although little ones might cry during the drop off, it’s often short lived. Little one is then able to focus on therapy without tantrums because they realise their parents are not there and they need to learn the new rules of engagement. Often they do very quickly! Our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists will record videos of little one at therapy and parents get to see the videos 🎥when they return to pick up little one.

So if you have been struggling with your little one throwing behavioural tantrums and not learning new skills, ring My Favourite Physio on📱 (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists🤓 today!

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