Have you been concerned about your child’s foot posture because they are tip toe walking? Have you been seeing different therapists to help correct your child’s tip toe walking but nothing seems to be working

Tip toe walking over time results in abnormal foot bone development and tight calf muscles that impact the knee joints, hip joints and spine. Hence it is important to correct toe walking as soon as possible before prolonged toe walking results in irreversible changes in the foot bones.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists recently met 2.5 year old Miss T. Her parents reported that she was walking on her tip toes at 12 months old when she took her first steps. At 18 months old, she was still toe walking, more on her left foot than her right. They went to see their family doctor who referred them to a Paediatric Occupational Therapist to help correct Miss T’s walking pattern. The Paediatric Occupational Therapist saw Miss T weekly for 6 months before realising that nothing was improving and referred Miss T to a Podiatrist. The Podiatrist gave Miss T off the shelf orthotics to put into her shoes, while Miss T continued having Occupational Therapy. After another 6 months, nothing changed.

Eventually, the parents were referred to Paediatric Physiotherapists at My Favourite Physio, and we were able to correctly diagnose her walking pattern as Cerebral Palsy Diplegia. Our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists carried out 6 weeks of serial casting to correct her foot posture. At the end of 6 weeks, Miss T was walking with both feet flat on the ground. Miss T will require ongoing Physiotherapy to help her maintain her foot posture and improve her walking pattern due to the Cerebral Palsy.

There are many reasons why a child would be tip toe walking and it is important to determine the underlying causes to be able to correct toe walking permanently. So if you are concerned about your child’s toe walking, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!

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