🤔Thinking of getting a Baby Walker as a gift for someone Not sure if you should get a Baby Walker for your own baby 👶🏻

Contrary to the name Baby Walker, research has shown that Baby Walkers do not 🙅‍♂️help a baby learn to walk, instead the research shows that babies who did use Baby Walkers were slower to crawl, pull to stand and walk than babies who did not use Baby Walkers! 😳

In fact, the use of Baby Walkers puts a baby at increased risk of the following injuries:

😳Head Injuries – Baby walkers allow babies to move quickly across the floor, which can lead to falls down stairs or other elevated surfaces, such as ramps or uneven terrain. These falls can result in serious injuries, including head injuries and broken bones.

😳Injuries from Tipping – Baby walkers are often top-heavy, making them prone to tipping over. When a baby pushes against a wall or tries to maneuver over a threshold, the walker can tip, causing the baby to fall and potentially get trapped underneath.

😳Burns and Scalds – Babies in walkers can reach higher surfaces, such as stovetops, countertops, or hot appliances, putting them at risk of burns or scalds if they touch hot objects or spill hot liquids.

In addition, Baby Walkers tend to encourage babies to learn to walk on their tip toes, a habit that is difficult to break later on. 🤦‍♀️So don’t place your child at unnecessary risks of injuries without any proven benefits for improving their gross motor skills.

If you are concerned that your child is not yet crawling, pulling to stand or walking, reach out to speak to one of our 🤓Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists at My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio. Ask us about our FREE 15 Minute PHONE 📱 Consults.

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