🥴Is your child complaining of calf muscle pain after sports 🦵 🤔Wondering what’s causing your child to experience recurrent calf muscle pain

Calf pain in children and adolescents can occur, but it is not always common. There are various potential causes of calf pain in children and adolescents that should be considered:

😬1. Growing Pains:
Some children experience growing pains, which can cause discomfort in the legs and calves. Growing pains are usually benign and not associated with any underlying medical conditions.

😬2. Muscle Strain:
Overuse or sudden, strenuous physical activity can lead to muscle strains in the calf muscles. This can happen in sports or other activities.

😬3. Injuries:
Calf injuries, such as bruises, sprains, or fractures, can occur in active children and adolescents, especially those involved in sports.

😬4. Flat Feet or Overpronation:
Children with flat feet or excessive pronation (inward rolling of the foot) can sometimes experience calf pain because these conditions can affect the alignment of the lower leg.

😬5. Growing Bone Pains:
Adolescents, particularly during growth spurts, may experience pain at the growth plates of their bones. This can include pain in the calf area as the bones lengthen.

😬6. Shin Splints:
Sometimes, calf pain can be related to shin splints, a condition that involves inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and connective tissues around the shinbone.

😬7. Neurological Conditions:
Less commonly, neurological conditions or disorders like restless leg syndrome may cause calf discomfort in children.

😬8. Vascular Issues:
Though rare in children and adolescents, vascular issues like blood clots can cause calf pain. This is more common in older adults.

If a child or adolescent experiences persistent or severe calf pain, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation. If you would like to speak to an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist 🤓about your child’s persistent calf pains, ring My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio today!

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