Like the sensation of the wind 💨 blowing through your hair when you are riding a bike 🚲 Hate wearing a helmet while riding a bike 🚲 because you don’t want to have Helmet Hair 😳

🧐Did you know that Helmet🚴‍♂️ use reduces the risk of head injuries by 51%, the risk for serious head injuries by 69%, the risk for face injury by 33% and and the risk for fatal head injury by 65%. 🤕

Injuries to the neck, face, head, and brain are unfortunately rather common in bicycle accidents. ☹️Many accident-related brain injuries don’t happen in high-velocity impacts. Instead, it is the low-speed accidents that generate the most concussions. 😳Concussions happen when any type of blow to the head causes the brain to rotate inside the skull or to form blood clots. A mild concussion might not cause significant symptoms, but a severe one could lead to dizziness, nausea, vomiting, 🤮headache, behavior changes, sleep problems, confusion, and memory loss.

🤕Blows or jolts to the head are the most common causes of brain injuries in bicycle accidents. If the head strikes the road, the vehicle, and/or another object in the collision, it could cause a head injury such as a skull fracture, as well as brain 🧠 damage. The most serious brain injuries can make a permanent difference in how the victim thinks, acts, moves, and speaks. A brain injury has life long impacts on the victim and their families. 😳One of the best ways to reduce your risk of such an injury is to wear your helmet while riding a bike.🚴‍♂️

While there’s no arguing that bicycle helmets reduce the risk of injuries to the face, head, and brain, they do not offer completely failsafe protection.🤔 Bicycle Safety starts with wearing a correctly fitted helmet, includes maintaining a optimal functioning bicycle, practising road safety rules and having brightly coloured clothes to ensure other road users can see you clearly especially in the night.

Like ❤️and share this post with friends and family to help keep their brains 🧠 safe when riding a 🚲 bicycle! Reduce the risk of brain injuries by wearing a correctly fitted bicycle helmet today!

#bicyclesafety #myfavouritephysio #braininjuryawareness #Physio #bankstown