😬Been told that your baby has a turned in foot could be a structural clubfoot?🦶

Structural Clubfoot, also known as congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), is a congenital condition in which an infant’s foot is twisted out of shape or position. CTEV, is the most common type of clubfoot and is present at birth. This congenital anomaly is seen in one out of every 1,000 babies,👶🏻 with half of the cases of club foot involving only one foot. There is currently no known cause of CTEV, but baby boys are twice as likely to have clubfoot compared to baby girls.

In a CTEV, the Achilles tendon is too short, causing the foot to stay pointed — also known as “fixing the foot in equinus.” The foot is also turned in and under. The bones of the foot and ankle are all present but are misaligned due to differences in the muscles and tendons acting on the foot. 👣The risk factors for CTEV are
1. Having a parent or sibling with clubfoot
2. Maternal smoking during pregnancy
3. Male

Foot imbalance due to CTEV may be noticed during a foetal screening ultrasound as early as 12 weeks gestation,🤰 but the diagnosis of clubfoot is confirmed by physical exam at birth by an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist 🤓or an Orthopeadic Specialist.

The treatment for CTEV consists of two phases: Ponseti serial casting and bracing. Treatment is always necessary, because the condition does not get better with growth. The treatment is carried out by an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist🤓 in conjunction with an Orthopaedic Specialist. The treatment process including bracing will take up to 4 years to complete in order to prevent relapse of the CTEV with growth. A well-corrected CTEV looks no different than a normal foot. Sports, dance and normal daytime footwear are the expectations for a child born with a clubfoot. This condition will not hold a child back from normal activities.😀

If you are concerned about your baby’s foot posture, reach out to My Favourite Physio on📱 (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist today!

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