😬Have noticed that your child is limping on and off for days or weeks after a fall 🤔Wondering if your child is just limping to get your attention

It is common for children to fall when running and playing sports, and most falls do not require a visit to the Emergency Department. Yet there are some incidences where a parent is left wondering, should I take my child to the hospital or not.😬

Here at My Favourite Physio, we recently met a little Master R 🧒who presented with limping that presented on and off over several weeks. Mum reported that Master R came home one day from pre-school limping and complaining of a sore leg. There was no visible signs of injury or bruising, so mum thought that Master R was just tired after a busy day at pre-school. The next morning, Master R seemed a little better and went to pre-school as usual. By the end of the day, Master R came home complaining of a sore leg again. This pattern of behaviour continued for a week and then stopped. Master R seemed to be back to his normal self for the next week until a busy weekend at a trampoline park. Master R complained of a sore leg again, and then reverted to a pattern of complaining about a sore leg and even limping. By now it is about 4 weeks after the initial episode of limping.

Our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists carried out a full assessment and found that Master R was limping, had reduced range of movement in his right hip, tenderness and pain in his hip muscles and ligaments. We treated the hip muscle tightness and inflammation with Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound and ordered for a Hip X-ray which then revealed an old fracture in the right hip! On further questioning, Master R eventually reported that he was pushed and stomped on by another child at pre-school several weeks ago, which would account for the hip fracture. 🥺Master R then only needed a few sessions of Physiotherapy to get him back to pain free active living!

So if you notice your child is limping, don’t wait, reach out to My Favourite Physio on 📱(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!🤓

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