😳Been told that your child with Special Needs must have a Wheelchair when they start school next year 🥴The thought of having to get a wheelchair for your child with special needs is frustrating you

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓see many little ones with special needs from newborns to school age and beyond. When we see a little one 👶🏻with special needs, we are always setting short term goals and long term goals with our families. One of the common 5 year goal for our little ones with special needs is to be walking independently with or without an aid by the time they start Kindergarten. 🏫Majority of our little ones do achieve that goal to be walking independently.

Unfortunately, parents are often given misinformation that when a child with special needs start school, they need to have a wheelchair.🦽

The truth is, there is no compulsory rule🙅‍♀️ that all children with special needs must have a wheelchair in order to start school. Even if your child with special needs requires school bus transportation to bring them to school and back, there is no compulsory rule to have a wheelchair for your child to use in the school bus if they are able to walk independently with or without a walking aid.

What your child needs is to be transported safely to and from school, which means that if they cannot sit independently in a bus with a standard seat belt because they are small in stature, they may need a standard car seat in the school bus.

If your child is able to walk with a simple Walker but requires standby supervision because of their cognitive impairment, that can discussed with the school principal and teaching staff before your child starts school. 👩‍🏫

In our experience, many schools for children with special needs are able and willing to work with families to help their child achieve their next potential at school.😊

If you have a child with special needs about to start Kindergarten next year, reach out to My Favourite Physio on 🤓(02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists today!

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