Have you got a 22 month old who is not yet walking 🚶‍♂️ Been told to wait and watch until your toddler turns 2 before doing anything to help your child learn to walk 🕒

All typically developing children should be walking by 18 months old 👣 otherwise they are considered delayed in their gross motor skills. Often children who are delayed in their gross motor skills would be showing signs of delay before 18 months old. Parents are often concerned about their child’s development when baby is as young as 4 months old. The problem is parents are often told by their family doctor, friends and family to just wait and watch until their child turns 18 months old at least. By then if a child isn’t walking then the child has missed out on early intervention which could have helped them to achieve their gross motor skills at 18months old ⏳

Recently at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists met Master A who was 22 months old and not yet walking independently. His parents were concerned since he was 6 months old because he was slow to roll, slow to sit independently, slow to crawl and only started pulling to stand at 20 months old. They were repeatedly told by their family doctor to wait until their child turned 18 months before seeing a Paediatric Physiotherapist to help their child learn to move better. 🚼

When we saw Master A, he demonstrated low muscle tone in general, and our determined the best strategy was to have him harnessed and walking in our Harnessed Treadmill System. Within 4 weeks, Master A was able to walk independently without support! His parents were thrilled and wished they had seen us earlier! 🏃‍♂️💪

So if you have concerns about your child’s gross motor skills, instead of waiting and watching, reach out to My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today. ☎️📩

#myfavouritephysioΒ #kidsphysioΒ #peadsphysioΒ #earlyinterventionΒ #grossmotorskillsΒ #bankstown