Do you experience painful headaches 🤕 that are so severe you are unable to function for days at a time 😳 Are you usually headache free, but when you get a headache it is comes in waves lasting for several days to weeks 😣

If you answered Yes to the above statements, then you may be experiencing Cluster Headaches. 🤕🤕
Cluster Headaches 🤕 are an extraordinarily painful, rare form of headaches, that affect five times as many men than women. The term ‘cluster’ is used as the attacks usually occur in groups or clusters, typically for several weeks once or twice a year at the same time of year.

Symptoms of Cluster Headaches 🤕include:
😖Excruciating, burning pain localized around one eye 👁
😳 Pain that is very pronounced behind one eye, commonly radiating to forehead, temple, cheek and upper gum on same side of face
👁 Drooping eyelid, a watering eye that may become bloodshot, running or blocked nostril on the affected side 👃
🥴Steady rather than throbbing pain
🤕 Attacks of Pain lasting 15 – 180 minutes, 1-3 attacks per day
🤯 Attacks can occur on consecutive days for 6-8 weeks
😊 Remission periods of months to years
😣 Onset of pain about an hour after going to bed 🛌

No tests are normally required to diagnose Cluster Headaches as the symptoms are so specific, however it can be misdiagnosed as a Migraine.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists 🤓are able to assess and correctly diagnose your Cluster Headaches and then effectively treat and relief your Cluster Headaches using the Watson Headache Approach for Headaches and Migraines.

If you are sick of putting up with your Cluster Headaches and would like help to overcome your Cluster Headaches, ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio and speak to one of our Watson Headache Approach trained Expert Physiotherapists today to find out how can we help you. 😊

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