Have you been told that your child with Special Needs will never be more than 10% of their peers? Feeling hopeless and worried about your child with Special Needs

There are numerous rare genetic conditions, also known as rare genetic disorders or orphan diseases, that affect a small percentage of the population. These conditions often result from mutations in genes, and they can manifest in various ways, impacting different organ systems and aspects of health. Parents are often told not to expect too much for their child with rare genetic conditions and to prepare for the worse. This can be the most devastating aspect of your child’s diagnosis. However, the truth is because these conditions are so rare, doctors often don’t know for sure the prognosis for your child’s future.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see many little ones with rare genetic conditions, many of whom were told that they will never walk or never talk. Yet with Intensive Early Intervention Paediatric Physiotherapy, we have successfully help many of these little ones achieve walking independently without any walking aids.

The key to unlocking a child’s full potential lies in providing the right kind of stimulation and support to move so that their brain can make new pathways to learn to move their muscles in the right way. The human brain has neuroplasticity, meaning that the brain has the ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. In babies and children, the brain has the most capacity to change in response to learning, experience, and environmental changes.

If you have been told that your child with special needs will never be able to walk, reach out to My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists to find out how we can help your child achieve their best potential today!

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