🥴Have you been told to accept your child’s limitation because they have special needs 🥺Been told that your child with special needs “will always be delayed compared to other children and you should just love them the way they are”

Shocking statements, and one would never think that any Health Professionals will ever say such things to parents who have just been informed of their child’s diagnosis. Unfortunately, this happens once too many times. We see too many parents coming into our clinic, disheartened, desperate and haunted by these cruel words.

Here at My Favourite Physio, we are here to tell you that those words aren’t the truths nor the facts about your child’s future, they are simply someone else’s perspective.🙄 Instead, we challenge the concept of limitation. The definition of limitation is based on personal perspectives. As they say, the sky’s the limit. We have seen many children with special needs and many have complex special needs, rare genetic disorders, who have been told that they will never walk or talk. Yet with Effective, Intensive Early Intervention Paediatric Physiotherapy we have been able to help those same children learn to walk and talk.💪 The key lies in the fact that the human brain has neuroplasticity, meaning that the brain can learn and make new pathways if a child is exposed to the right stimulation and experiences.

When we see a child with Special Needs, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓will carry out an assessment of their gross motor skills to determine their areas of strengths and weakness, so that we can tailor an individualised Therapy program for your child. With the correct intervention, you should expect to see your child progress week on week. We believe in helping every child fulfill their best potential and we have done that many times over, shocking medical professionals who have put limitations on your child.

So if you have a child with Special Needs and been told to accept your child’s limitation, reach out to My Favourite Physio on📱 (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!

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