😬Have you been told that your child with Special Needs should see a Paediatric Physiotherapist 🤔Wondering how do you know if a Paediatric Physiotherapist is the right one for your child

When it comes to looking for the right Paediatric Physiotherapist for their child with Special Needs, most parents make the following top 3 common mistakes:

🥴Mistake #1. Looking for the cheapest Paediatric Physiotherapy Service
Most people will ring around asking for the cost of Paediatric Physiotherapist services and go with the cheapest service. However, this often leads to unsatisfactory outcomes for a child, because cheap is often a reflection of the inexperience of a healthcare professional. Most medical specialists who have undertaken years of training and specialisation would not be the cheapest service available, simply because of the costs involved in their years of training to arrive at the level of expertise they have.

🥴Mistake #2. Looking for a Home Visit Paediatric Physiotherapy Service
Having a child with Special Needs is challenging, so understandably parents look for a Paediatric Physiotherapist who will come to their home, so they do not need to travel. Although convenient, this limits the equipment that a Paediatric Physiotherapist can bring to your home to help your child learn to move better. Here at My Favourite Physio, we often use a Harnessed Treadmill System to help children learn to walk and this cannot be transported to client’s homes.

🥴Mistakes #3. Not Enquiring About Relevant Experience of the Paediatric Physiotherapist
Most assume that all Paediatric Physiotherapists have the same level of experience in treating children with Special Needs without questions. However, the truth is the expertise of a Paediatric Physiotherapist often depends on the clinical experience they have and the type of clientele conditions that they have seen.

so if you are looking for a Paediatric Physiotherapist, reach out to My Favourite Physio on📱 (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to find out more.

#myfavouritephysio #earlyintervention #kidsphysio #paedsphysio #bankstown #specialneedskids