🎄Christmas is a wonderful time to pause and reflect on a year that has gone pass.

As we gather with our loved ones 🥰this Christmas, we can have the opportunity to reflect and be grateful for many things. Here at My Favourite Physio, we are grateful 🙏for the privilege to work with children with special needs and their families to provide Early Intervention Physiotherapy to help little ones learn to move better. We have been able to celebrate many children who learnt to walk with our help this year. We saw children who learnt to talk and communicate because we were able to continue to see them.

We are grateful 🙏for the support of our families, our colleagues and our communities, without whom we would not have been able to make a difference in what we do each day. We thank our local communities for creating a culture of love and empowering all abilities. 😊

We are grateful 🙏that we can look forward to the next 12 months inspired and more resolute than ever, that together as a community we can make a difference and help create a better future for our little ones.

The best is yet to come. 🚀🚀🚀

#grateful #myfavouritephysio #christmas2023 #paedsphysio #earlyintervention #kidsphysio #physio #bankstown