😬Is your child with special needs getting to big for their off the self stroller 😲Did you know that an Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist is able to help your child with equipment prescription for special needs strollers

Special needs strollers, also known as adaptive strollers or all-terrain strollers, are designed to provide mobility and comfort for children with special needs.

Some Key Features of Special needs strollers include:
👍1. Increased head, neck, and trunk support, with features like padded headrests, contoured seats, and adjustable straps or harnesses to ensure that the user is secure and properly supported.
👍2. They often have adjustable components such as seat depth, backrest angle, and footrests to accommodate growth and specific postural needs, making them suitable for long-term use.
👍3. Designed to be more robust and durable, they can accommodate higher weight limits and are built to withstand frequent use over various terrains.
👍4. Many models include features like reclining seats, padding, and breathable fabrics to ensure the user’s comfort, especially for those who may spend extended periods in the stroller.
👍5. Special needs strollers are designed for easy maneuverability in different environments, whether it’s indoors or on uneven outdoor surfaces.
👍6. Despite being sturdier, many of these strollers are still foldable and relatively easy to transport, a crucial feature for families on the go.
👍7. Some models offer a range of accessories and customization options, such as sun canopies, rain covers, storage baskets, and medical equipment carriers.
👍8. They often come with enhanced safety features, like advanced braking systems and five-point harnesses.

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓are trained to help with the prescription and trial of special needs strollers as well other special needs equipment such as standers, walkers, wheelchairs, bathchairs and seating systems.

So if you have a child with special needs requiring a supportive stroller, reach out to My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!🤓