🤔Been told that barefoot walking is good for children so you didn’t buy your toddler a pair of shoes while they learn to walk 😲Did you know that barefoot walking can sometimes be the reason why your child can’t walk by themselves yet

Barefoot walking is generally beneficial for toddlers 👧who are learning to walk as it helps in the development of foot muscles, arches, and balance. However, there are certain situations where barefoot walking is detrimental and instead supportive shoes are recommended.😱

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓would recommend supportive shoes for children to address or prevent foot and lower limb problems. Supportive shoes👟 are designed to provide support, stability and correct the alignment of the foot and ankle.

Here are some common reasons why such supportive shoes might be recommended:
1. Excessive Pronation: Overpronation occurs when the feet roll inward excessively when walking or running. This can lead to strain on the ankles, knees, and hips. Supportive shoes can help align the feet properly to distribute weight more evenly.

2. In-toeing or Out-toeing: Some children walk with their feet turned inward (pigeon-toed) or outward. In many cases, this resolves without intervention, but severe cases might benefit from corrective footwear to encourage a more neutral foot position.

3. Support and Stability: In cases where children have conditions that affect muscle strength or joint stability, such as cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, supportive shoes can provide the extra support needed for safer and more efficient walking.

So if you have noticed that your toddler’s feet are rolled in, or turned in or turned out and they are struggling to learn to stand and walk by themselves, ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓today!

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