16 Feb 🥴Putting up with Headaches that seems to bring on pins and needles down your arm Popping 💊pain killers to try to numb your headaches 🤕but the pins and needles in your arm still wake you up at night
If you answered Yes to the above, you are not alone. Here at My Favourite Physio, we frequently meet people who come in complaining of headache and migraines along with neck stiffness, neck pain, pins and needles down their arm. They would have tried different pain killers, migraine medications, acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathy with limited relief.
Ms J was one such patient. She reported a 10 year history of headaches which occurred at least once a week and lasted for 1-2 days. She tries not to take pain killers unless she could not function, and even then she reported that the pain killers were limited in reducing her headaches. She had resigned to living life with headaches, however, it was the pins and needles down her arm which she found unbearable. Ms J reported a recent onset of pins and needles down her arm which bothered her the most.
 She was walking up 2-3 times a night from pins and needles in her arm and hand.
On assessment, our Expert Physiotherapists found that Ms J had increased stiffness and pain in her first 3 neck joints which impacted her neck range of motion. Using our 3 Step Headache and Migraine Solution program, we were able to reproduce and reduce her headache symptoms as well as the pins and needles in her arm by applying a gentle pressure on her first 3 neck joints. Ms J got off the treatment table excited that she could feel like a heavy weight was lifted off her head and shoulders. After 2 weeks of 3 times a week Physiotherapy sessions, Ms J reported that she did not experience any headaches and pins and needles in her arm. She was able to get a good night’s sleep which made a big difference for her. She felt more energy, more clarity in her headspace each day.Â
So if you are experiencing headaches that brings on pins and needles in your arm, reach out to My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert PhysiotherapistsÂ