Have you been told that your child would benefit from Early Intervention yet you are still on the waiting list for Therapy for months 😳 Perhaps you have concerns 🥴about your baby’s development but have been told by different Medical Professionals to wait and see until your baby is 2 years old 😱

The above are examples of stories parents tell us when they finally find their way to see one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓here at My Favourite Physio. Many of the parents would recount their story of frustrations 😤trying to get someone to listen to their concerns about their baby’s development, and unfortunately some were unable to access Physiotherapy Early Intervention for their baby 👶🏻 until their child turned 2 years old before the Family Doctor or Paediatrician 👨‍⚕️would actually start to refer them to a Paediatric Physiotherapist. By this time, some children 👧are 2.5 to 3 years old. That means that we have missed the first 3 years of crucial brain development which is when the most learning happens and the greatest opportunity for a child to learn new skills in order to catch up on their development is missed.🤦‍♀️ If a child is not yet walking independently by 18 months old, they are delayed in their gross motor skills development. The doctors and specialists often want to wait until 2 years old to confirm that a child is delayed before they are willing to refer a child to Paediatric Physiotherapy. 😳However, most parents would already have suspected that their child was struggling to move or lift their heads or roll by 6 months old!

The reason why many parents wait until their doctors or specialists give them a referral to Paediatric Physiotherapist is because they did not know that a Paediatric Physiotherapist 🤓is the person who is specially trained to help babies and children move better and that they could refer their child to a Paediatric Physiotherapist without a Doctor’s letter!

So if you are concerned about your child, ring My Favourite Physio 📱on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio to speak to one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists today!

#earlyintervention #myfavouritephysio