05 Apr 😱Did you know that 90% of headaches don’t come from the head
Headaches and Migraines can be really life impacting and for some people it may mean lying in bed all day in darkness
hoping it will all go away. The first concerning thought when experiencing severe headaches is -“Is it something in my head
causing the pain?” Often headache
sufferers would have had brain scans and seen various specialists to check if it’s a problem in the head or brain, only to find out ( thankfully
) that there is nothing wrong in the head or brain. However, the headaches or migraines still continue.
Many people try different diets or medications to try to figure out triggers to their headaches without success. In the end, many people put up with years of headaches and migraines without a light at the end of the tunnel.
The fact is 90% of headaches don’t originate from the head or brain, but actually originate from the first 3 joints in your neck, so if you haven’t had your neck joints assessed as part of your headaches and migraines assessment, then it’s likely that your treating professional
is missing a vital cause your headaches and migraines.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists have a 3 Step Headache Solution Session to assess and determine the underlying cause of your headaches and migraines, which includes assessing the first 3 joints of the neck and the muscles in the neck and shoulders. Once the cause of your headaches and migraines is determine, we would treat the cause and provide a written treatment plan for eliminating your headaches and migraines.
If you are experiencing headaches and migraines and would love to overcome them to get back to pain free active living, why not speak to one of our Expert Physiotherapists at My Favourite Physio
on (02) 9790 4233 or DM us @myfavouritephysio and find out how we can help you overcome your headaches and migraines today!
Ask yourself, what difference would to your life if your headaches or migraines was less frequent or less intense?
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