Ever feel like your  headaches are coming from your neck 

Ever feel like your 🤕 headaches are coming from your neck 😳
If you have 🤕headaches that throb on one side of your head sometimes and then on the other side of your head on other times,
or if your 🤕 headaches seem to sit on the top of your head like a ton of bricks or if your 🤕 headaches feel like a vice squeezing around your head – then it’s likely that your 🤕 headaches are coming from the first 3 joints in your neck.

If that’s the case, then the great news 🎉 is that Physiotherapy may help reduce and eliminate your 🤕 headaches forever😀 At My Favourite Physio, we have a 3 Step 🤕Headache and 😳 Migraine Elimination Assement which will determine if your 🤕Headaches and 😳 Migraines are caused by your stiff neck joints. To find out if Physiotherapy can help your 🤕 headaches and 😳 migraines ring us on (02) 9790 4233 to book a FREE 15 minute phone 📱 consult with one of our Expert Physiotherapists today.

#headacherelief #myfavouritephysio
#headachefree #neckpain
#physiotherapy #headacheclinic
#physio #migraine #migrainerelief