Author: admin

The above are examples of stories parents tell us when they finally find their way to see one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓here at My Favourite Physio. Many of the parents would recount their story of frustrations 😤trying to get someone to listen to...

What are some wins that you had this week?🏆 It's important that you celebrate every win - no matter how small or big. 🎉 Here at My Favourite Physio, this week our wins include 2 little ones with Cerebral Palsy 👧 walking across the room...

Many expectant mothers 🤰have been informed of the risks of various medical and health conditions that a child with Down Syndrome could possibly have which implies that having a child with Down Syndrome mean having a child with severe cognitive impairments. However, this is not...

Did you know that sprains to the ligaments on the outer side of the ankle 🦶has been documented to be the most common lower extremity injury sustained during sport participation ⚽️🏀🏈 But you don't have to be playing sports to injure an ankle — sprains...

If you can identify with the above statements, then you are not alone. Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓often see toddlers and children whose parents are concerned that their child is toe walking all the time or a lot of the...

Lower back pain can be persistent and ongoing if you have poor habits when it comes to using your lower back. Here is the number 1 ☝️reason behind why you may be experiencing recurrent lower back and why your lower back pain may be persisting...

42% of running 🏃‍♀️ injuries are knee 😳 injuries. That makes knee 😳injuries the largest cause of injuries in runners🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ However, not all knee 😔injuries are the same. There are many causes of knee 😳pain, swelling or instability. It is important to have your knee...

Join us and show your support by helping raise awareness about Down Syndrome today by wearing LOTS OF SOCKS! But not just any 🧦 socks, be creative and expressive! Wear brightly coloured socks, long socks, printed socks, layered socks even 3 socks for 3 chromosomes!...

🦶Foot bones have primary ossification centers where the bones start forming as early as 2 months gestational age, 🤰and secondary ossification centers which appear later, after birth from 6 months old 👶🏻and then eventually these bone centers fuse with the lower leg bone. The bones...