Author: admin

All typically developing babies 👶🏻 should be walking independently by 18 months old, otherwise they would be considered delayed in their gross motor skills. Some babies achieve walking independently at 11 months old. So between 9-14 months babies are starting to pull to stand and...

At the same time, it is so important to teach our children to invest their time with people who will push them to be their best.💪 Remember that we are the sum of the five people we hang out with. So teach your children to...

Hypotonia, also known as floppy muscle tone or low muscle tone, is a medical condition characterized by decreased muscle tone or muscle stiffness. In children with hypotonia, their muscles feel unusually soft and lack the typical firmness or tension that is present in a person...

Migraines are often a silent disease that is often ignored or overlooked by the general public who don't experience migraines. Yet for Migraine Sufferers it's presence is undeniable.🤯 When a migraine episode occurs, it can often leave its victim feeling helpless with no choice but...

If you answered Yes to the above statements, then you are not alone. Here at My Favourite Physio, we see many babies 👶🏻who present with a flattened spot on their head and parents would have reported trying to correct it themselves for weeks or months...

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviour. While autism is considered a lifelong disorder, the degree of impairment in functioning because of these challenges varies between individuals with autism. Early signs of ASD...

If you answered Yes ✅ to any of the above, then stop and think about your Headache and Migraine patterns! 🤔Do you feel tension, stiffness and tenderness in your neck building up before a Headache or Migraine attack? 😳Do you feel that your Headaches and Migraines start...

Falling over is a common occurrence as babies learn to walk, and a frequent occurrence in children with decreased balance and coordination. Unfortunately, sometimes children fall head down onto the corner of furnitures or onto the hard ground resulting in an immediate lump and bruising...

Did you know that about 30% of all eye injuries occur in the domestic setting? 😳DIY, car repairs and gardening have been shown to be a common cause of eye injury especially amongst males. With more and more people staying indoors and tackling DIY projects...