Author: admin

Headaches and migraines do not only affect adults, studies in recent years indicate an increasing number of children and adolescents who experience regular headaches and migraine episodes. 😬In children and adolescents, regular headaches lead to reduced life quality and limitations in their school and social...

2 Common myths about Tension Headaches 🗣🗣 Myth 1: 🙄 The most common myth regarding tension headaches is that tension headaches are caused by an increase in muscle tension around the head. 💡TRUTH: Studies have shown that there is no correlation between forehead and scalp muscle tension and...

If you answered yes to either of the above statements, then we highly recommended that you see your family doctor and get further investigations done immediately. Headaches that present rapidly and intensively within a short period of time along with vomiting can be the result...

Did you know that research has shown that children don’t recall events under 3 years old 🧐It’s called childhood amnesia. So children don’t actually remember if they cried or they laughed or what they did between birth and 3 years old.🤔 Most children are only...

          #happyfathersday #ilovemydad #myfavouritephysio #paedsphysio #kidsphysio #physio #physiotherapy #bankstown #iloveyoudad #mydadmyhero...