Author: admin

As more and more babies 👶🏻are not placed on the floor on their tummies to play and explore, more and more children are missing the gross motor milestone of crawling. 🥺This has reached a point where there is now debate about crawling as a necessary...

The aim of of the day is to raise as much funds as possible for The Pyjama Foundation's Love of Learning Program 📚which is offered to children in foster care. The Pyjama Foundation's Love of Learning Program is a one-on-one mentoring scheme where volunteers are recruited,...

Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. It is estimated that approximately 1 in every 1100 babies born in Australia will have Down syndrome. 👶🏻This means that approximately 290 new babies with Down syndrome are born each year. Here at My Favourite Physio, our...

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓often meet parents who are concerned about their toddlers who are not yet walking and they are older than 18 months old. Recently, our team met Ms F, who is 19 months old 👧and not yet...

If you answered YES to any of the above statements, be assured that you are not alone. Here are 3 Common Reasons why a baby may be crying and screaming all the time 1. Baby may have reflux. 🥴 These babies tend to scream and arch a lot...