Author: admin

Been experiencing chronic migraines Feel like your migraines are coming from your stiff neck  Tried treating the neck before only to get poor outcomes for your migraines If that sounds like you, this post will explain why the neck treatment led to poor outcomes for your migraines  For effective...

Do you experience dizziness without any head pain  Do you experience nausea but isn't pregnant  Do you experience increased sensitivity to lights and sounds without head pain making attending concerts impossible  If you answered yes to any of the above statements, you might be experiencing silent migraines  Migraines can...

Are you experiencing migraines every month in synch with your period cycles Is your teenage daughter suddenly complaining of episodes of migraines since hitting puberty  If you answered yes to the above statements, you or your daughter may be experiencing menstrual migraines! Menstrual migraines occur either in the...

Wondering if stress is causing your headaches  Have you been told that you need a sea  change because your lifestyle is too stressful and the cause of your Headaches and Migraines  Did you try changing your jobs  to reduce your stress levels but the headaches and migraines haven't reduced  Often...