Author: admin

Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists 🤓have undergone specialist training to assess and treat Headache 🤕 and Migraine Conditions, and we have been able to help many of our clients achieve Headache and Migraine Free 🤗active lifestyles! One of the most Frequently asked...

Most babies 👶🏻 will have a resting posture of their feet because they were curled up like a ball in Mummy's tummy. Often you will notice that baby's foot is either turned in or turned out. 👣 That foot posture could be due to positioning...

 #postivethinking #myfavouritephysio #positivemindset #beabetteryou #winning #physio #expectmore #physiotherapy #bankstown...

However, the truth is baby's 👶🏻 thigh bone and shin bones are actually developing at the age between 12 months to 24 months where the thigh bone and shin bone are going to be bowed in relation to each other. So it's actually normal for...

Here at MY Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists 🤓see many babies and children with various conditions to help them learn to roll, sit, crawl, pull to stand and walk. We expect to see progression and improvement on a daily basis 📆and significant improvements every...

👶🏻Babies should not have a head tilt or head preference to one side. The most common reason why a baby would have a head preference to one side is a tight neck muscle limiting their range of movement to the opposite side or causing them...