Would you still use a Jolly Jumper if you knew they were harmful to your baby's development Here at My Favourite Physio, our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapists see many babies and toddlers to help them learn to move better and learn to walk. One of the baby items...
What are your wins for the week? It’s great to look back and review your week and stop to give yourself a pat on the back for a great week well spent! Here at My Favourite Physio as we reflect on our Wins for the Week,...
Been told to put double nappies on baby to help their clicky hips Or perhaps you’ve been told Not to worry, baby will grow out of the clicky hips Did you know that clicky hips might be a sign of immature poorly developed hips , a condition...
Do you regularly experience neck pain and Headaches Have you tried getting regular massages with limited or no relief for your neck pain If you answered yes, to the above statements, then the cause of your neck pain, stiffness and Headaches is probably the first three joints in...
Wondering if you should get a bassinet pram or a stroller pram Expecting a new babyand shopping for baby furniture is both exciting and confusing. A baby pram is one of those exciting yet confusing key items that every parent needs. With so many options available...
The start of a new month is always a great time to stop, reflect, assess and recalibrate your goals.
Here at My Favourite Physio, our team reviews all our goals every month to ensure that we are on track to achieve our personal, professional and...
Does your child walk pigeon toed Or perhaps you have been told that your child will grow out of it, but you noticed that their feet isn’t getting straighter and they are tripping and falling a lot Did you know that pigeon toeing can be corrected And...
But Is your knee pain stopping you from exercising to lose weight to help your knee pain If that sounds like you, then rest assured, you are not alone! At My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists see many Knee Pain Sufferers who tell us exactly the same story. They...
Wondering if it's normal for baby to feel floppy when you carry them Perhaps you've been told not to worry because baby is just lazy and will sit when they are ready Recently, a mother asked one of our Expert Paediatric Physiotherapist "How do I know if...