Photo Blogs

Want to make 2020 your best year yet 🤔 Then it's time for a change.. Change is always challenging 💪but often times necessary for us to move to the next level. At My Favourite Physio, our Expert Physiotherapists 🤓are often helping our clients to make changes to...

If you are out and about with the family in the sun enjoying the beautiful beaches today, Don't forget to Slip on a Shirt, Slop on Sunscreen and Slap on a Hat to stay Sun Safe! 😎 #Sunsafe #Myfavouritephysio #Summer #AustraliaDay #physio #familytime #physiotherapy #bankstown...

It's an exciting day for the Little Ones 👦who are starting Big School for the first time. Here's 3 Top Tips on how to ensure that your Little One starts their new journey into Big School successfully. 🚀 Tip #1: Help your child to pack their bag...