Photo Blogs

📚A 2003 study stated that "the average age for walking in typically developing children is 13 months and the range is 9-17 months, while the average age for walking in children with Down syndrome is 24 months and the range is 13-48 months." Yet here...

You don't have to be an expert 🤓to start a conversation, you can start by using the 4 steps below: Step 1. Ask R U Ok? 🗣 Be relaxed, friendly and concerned in your approach. Help them open up by asking questions like "How are you going?" If they...

Did you know that overusing medications can actually lead to chronic daily headaches 😳 Research has specifically suggested that medications containing ergotamine, codeine and caffeine can lead to daily headaches and migraines. In fact the frequent use of any medications used to treat a migraine attack...

Clubfoot, also known as talipes equinovarus, is a congenital condition where a baby's foot or feet appear to be twisted or out of shape. It's one of the most common congenital musculoskeletal anomalies, occurring in about 1 in every 1,000 live births. The primary characteristics of...