Photo Blogs

Learning new skills is often challenging for everyone, particularly if one is learning physical gross motor skills. So it’s understandable for a 🧒child with special needs to feel extremely challenged when routines are changed and they are expected to learn a new skill to move...

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hips (DDH), also commonly referred to as "Clicky Hips", is a condition whereby the hip joint does not develop properly in infants 👶🏻and young children. In a normal hip joint, the ball-shaped head of the femur (thigh bone) fits snugly into...

The theme for 2023 is Communicating for life. Communication is a basic human right. More than 1.2 million Australians have a communication disability that impacts on their daily life and Speech Pathologists work to ensure everyone can communicate with confidence. Three in every 1,000 👶🏻newborns...

Tip toe walking over time results in abnormal foot bone development and tight calf muscles that impact the knee joints, hip joints and spine. Hence it is important to correct toe walking as soon as possible before prolonged toe walking results in irreversible changes in...

Bike riding is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that helps children develop strong hearts and lungs. It also improves muscle strength and endurance, particularly in the legs. Riding a bike requires coordination between the hands, feet, and eyes. Balancing, pedalling, and steering all contribute...

There are various imaging such as MRI, CT scan and X rays that are continuously used in cases of headaches and migraines. They are used to try and determine the cause of the headaches and migraines.🤔 But interestingly these images actually provide little help in...

Here at my Favourite Physio, we love to take a moment to celebrate achievements! Recently, several of the children who with have been working with have managed to achieve new skills. 😊 👧4 year old Miss N, who has mild Cerebral Palsy has learnt to hop...

Floor Seats for babies have been become popular at the past 15 years and can be easily bought in any Baby Goods store. However, like all baby equipment there are some inherent safety issues with the use of Floor Seats for babies. 🙅‍♀️3 Reasons Why Floor...