Photo Blogs

Exercise is a GREAT way to improve you knee pain ONLY once you have addressed the underlying issue causing knee pain in the first place! 😲The problem with exercising is that when performed at the wrong time 🕰 it brings on a negative outcomes rather...

If you answered yes to the above statements then Humidified High Flow could be the solution to ⛔️stop recurrent chest infections and hospitalisations for your child with special needs! Here at My Favourite Physio, we see many little ones 👶🏻with Special Needs who tend to have...

Heel Pain in children aged 8 to 14 years old can often be an indication of 'Sever's Disease'. Sever's Disease is an inflammation of the growth plate in the heel of children. During a growth spurt, a child's bones 🦴 grow faster than the muscles, 🦵which...

So what is scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis in the spine?🤨 The spine is made up of four segments, the neck (cervical spine), the trunk (thoracic spine), the lower back (lumbar spine) and the tailbone (sacrum). When viewed from the side, these segments form four natural curves....

Here at My Favourite Physio, our 🤓Expert Physiotherapists often work with patients who ACL injuries 🦵and help them to return to their sports 🏈🏀⚽️and prevent recurrent ACL injuries. Here's a sample Checklist of some of our favourite tasks to achieve with an ACL rehab program: ✅...