Photo Blogs

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) means that the hip joint of a newborn baby 👶🏻is dislocated or prone to dislocation. Approximately 1 in every 600 girls is affected, compared to just 1 in 3,000 boys. The left hip is affected 3 times more often...

Children 👧with Spastic Cerebral Palsy have increased muscle tone in their legs which causes their foot to point down in a tip toe posture. The tip toe foot posture makes standing and walking difficult and results in deformities in the foot bones, knee and hip...

If you experience all or some of the symptoms above with no signs of a Headache or Migraine, you may actually be experiencing an episode of Silent Migraine!!🤕 Silent migraines although uncommon, do exist! In Silent Migraines, you do not experience Headaches but still have...

Bum shuffling is when baby is sitting on their buttocks and using their hands to push or their legs to scoot themselves forward or backward. Often the babies who bum shuffle are the babies who did not tolerate Tummy Time and were propped in sitting...

Calf pain in children and adolescents can occur, but it is not always common. There are various potential causes of calf pain in children and adolescents that should be considered: 😬1. Growing Pains: Some children experience growing pains, which can cause discomfort in the legs and calves....

Ensuring that your baby👶🏻 is well-fed and can last 4 hours between feeds involves establishing a feeding routine, and monitoring your baby's cues. Here are some tips to help you achieve this goal: Tip #1: 🤱Breastfeeding: If you're breastfeeding, ensure that your baby is latching correctly. Seek...

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder 🧠that primarily affects muscle control and coordination, and it can impact various parts of the body, including the arms. The specific way CP affects the arms can vary widely from person to person and depends on the location...