Photo Blogs

Often a 🧠brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for children is requested to investigate the structure and function of the child's brain in order to find an explanation for the child's developmental delay, headaches, seizures, changes in behaviour, or other signs of neurological issues. For children...

Well Don't give up! Life shouldn't be about putting up with Headaches and Migraines 🤯🤯 Have you heard of the Watson Headache Approach for Headaches and Migraines 🧐 that has been successfully used to treat Headaches and Migraines sufferers all around the world 🌎 Here...

If you answered yes to either of the statements above, then your Baby could have an Inguinal Hernia. 🧐 A hernia is when a part of the intestine pushes through a weak spot in the belly (abdominal) muscles. 💪The hernia creates a soft lump or bulge...

🧐Did you know that Helmet🚴‍♂️ use reduces the risk of head injuries by 51%, the risk for serious head injuries by 69%, the risk for face injury by 33% and and the risk for fatal head injury by 65%. 🤕 Injuries to the neck, face, head,...

Did you know that the brain 🧠 is very mouldable and capable of learning, changing and adapting as a result of experience.🤔 This is known as neuroplasticity. There are two types of neuroplasticity, Functional plasticity which refers to the brain's ability to move functions from...

🌦With the sudden change in weather from a warm sunny day one day to cold wet rainy days the next, it's no wonder that many little ones start to have a runny nose and chest colds. Often parents are told by the Family Doctor 👩‍⚕️that...

🤨Did you know that over stretching can actually cause an increase in muscle spasm leading to your neck joints becoming misaligned which results in worsening Headaches 🤕😳 📚Studies show that Headaches and Migraines coming from the neck occur due to spasms of the upper neck muscles....