
Have you been told to get a brain MRI to investigate your migraines  Traditional research has looked into the brain  as the potential source of migraines. With the increase in the number of studies for migraines, evidence is now moving away from the brain as the source...

Do you have a bedtime routine for your child  Or does your child sleep at different times during the week depending on activities of the day Most parents know that sleep  restores children physically. Sleep helps children to learn and remember things, boosts immunity and grow. When children are sleeping...

Does Your child have Text Neck? Is your child spending more than two hours a day on screens and mobile devices Text Neck refers to neck pain as a result of looking down when using a mobile technological device, such as a smartphone, or iPad, or laptops. A 2017 Survey...

Are you experiencing pain in the front of your knees Are you struggling to climb up stairs  "Runner's Knee" or "Jumper's Knee", refers to pain in the front of the knee and around the kneecap. The medical term for "Runner's Knee" is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, and it may be...

Have you been told to get AFOs for your child with Cerebral Palsy  Did you know that there are other options of orthotics that may be more beneficial to your child than AFOs Children with Cerebral Palsy often either experience increased tone in their calf muscles known as...

Have you seen the neurologist, ENT specialist, changed diets, tried medication and decreased physical activity in an attempt to relieve your headaches and migraines, only to find that there was no effect? Many therapists and clinicians often exclude the neck when treating headaches and migraines. Yet, in more than...

Shoes  or No Shoes  Running is the fourth most popular activity by participation and runners  tend to be at high risk of injuries. In recent years, barefoot running has been proposed as being the answer to reducing running injuries as it allows the foot to work in a...

Woke up with a stiff sore lower back this morning Ever notice that your lower back pain seems worse when you wake up on a day when you don't have to be at work  Aches, tension,  stiffness… these problems can be all too familiar for many people after a...