
If you are dealing with any headaches 🤕 or migraines and want to find out about how we can help you overcome it, ring My Favourite Physio on (02) 9790 4233. Our Expert Physiotherapists 🤓 would love to be able to help you overcome your...

If your baby needs help to sit up or does not move out of sitting into lying or crawling then it's likely that your baby is struggling with transitioning from sitting to lying or lying to sitting. Maybe you have noticed that your baby 👶🏻 is...

Here at My Favourite Physio our Expert Physiotherapists are trained in the Watson Headache Approach to assess and treat Headaches and Migraines. 🤕 One of the Key Features about the Watson Headache Approach is a systematic approach to assessing the first 3 neck joints to...

Babies who do not learn to roll from their tummy to back or back to tummy tend not to enjoy tummy time and often do not learn to crawl but instead they tend to bottom shuffle. 😳When a baby does not roll or crawl, they...

Given the great range movement in the shoulder joint and only muscles 💪 and ligaments controlling the shoulder movement, it's no surprise why so many people frequently strain or injure their shoulders. 😳 There are many reasons why you could be experiencing 😳pain in your shoulders....

In fact most typically developing babies will be able to start to push through their feet to take some weight when held in supported standing at as young as 1 month old. 💪By 4 months old, babies should be able to hold their head in...