
According to International Headache Society's ICHD-3 classification system, there are seven types of Migraine. 😳😳😳 They are Migraines without Aura, Migraines with Aura, Migraines without Headaches, Migraines with Brainstem Aura, Hemiplegic Migraines, Retinal Migraines and Chronic Migraines. 😳😳 The symptoms for each type of Migraines...

👶🏻Children with Cerebral Palsy typically are born with normal anatomic hip alignment. During growth, hip development may be affected due to a combination of variables. Lack of weight bearing in combination with muscle imbalance and spasticity is the main contributor to hip migration. Hip migration...

Did you know that current research shows that headaches 🤕 and migraines come from disorders in the first 3 joints of the neck. The pattern of your headaches and pain distributions on your head and neck will indicate which neck joint is causing your headaches...

Remember that old saying "Water off a duck's back"? 💦If you determine that the words or opinion said are untrue or unhelpful to your life, then just allow those negative opinions slide off you like water off a duck's back. 🦆 No matter how old...