
Often when Headache and Migraines Sufferers 🤕 have undergone every investigation possible and every investigation is normal with no medical cause for their Headaches and Migraines found, 🤷‍♂️then they are told the reason must be due to stress! 😱 Which results in some people changing...

Headache is a frequent symptom in children 🧒and adolescents, many cases not being seen by doctors. Studies have shown that prevalence increases from preschool age (3-8%) to mid-adolescence (57-82%).Headache 🤕is one of the main reasons why children miss school. Missing school can affect a child's...

If you answered Yes to the above statements, then you may be experiencing Cluster Headaches. 🤕🤕 Cluster Headaches 🤕 are an extraordinarily painful, rare form of headaches, that affect five times as many men than women. The term 'cluster' is used as the attacks usually occur...

👶🏻Children with low muscle tone, a condition known as hypotonia, often experience challenges in muscle control and coordination, including the muscles involved in swallowing. Hypotonia can affect various muscles in the body, including those in the face and mouth, leading to difficulties in managing saliva. Here...

Currently there are conflicting research as to whether high blood pressure causes headaches. However, high blood pressure can be difficult to recognise without using a blood pressure monitor. Many people do not experience symptoms unless their blood pressure is dangerously high. When symptoms do occur...

👶🏻Babies can exhibit a range of sitting postures as they explore and develop their motor skills. Normal variations in sitting posture can include: Propped sitting: When babies are learning to sit, you will see them sitting with their upper body bent forward, using their hands for support...