
  Severe burn injury can be life threatening, and even small burns can be dangerous for the very young. 👶🏻Babies and young children have fragile skin. Their skin burns deeper and more quickly than adults and at lower temperatures. 🥵The majority of burns are PREVENTABLE and...

  Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to not be taking medication for your migraines today 🤔 Migraines are often a silent disease that is often ignored or overlooked by the general public who don’t experience migraines. Yet for Migraine Sufferers it’s presence is undeniable.🤯 When a...

  Frustrated that you can’t give your best performance on the field ⚽️ because of shin splints Shin splints are a common exercise-related problem. 🏃‍♂️Shin splints also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome is an inflammation of the muscles, and bone tissue around your tibia (shin bone)....

    😲Did you know that a painful shoulder can become a Frozen Shoulder🥶 Shoulder pain is a common and disabling complaint with 70% of the population 👱‍♀️having experienced shoulder pain at some point in their lifetime. A common mistake that people with shoulder pain make is waiting...